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How to: Oxygen Sensor (O2) Replacement

Materials needed:

- Either 1 or 2 oxygen sensors
- 10mm socket
- 22mm wrench
- Heat gun or a blow torch. You can also drive around for 15 minutes (to heat up exhaust/O2 sensors for easier removal)
- Gloves
- 2 lifts (better safe than sorry)
- 1 hour of your time or less

new o2 sensors

First I went out for a 15 minute drive. This heats up the O2 sensors to make them easier to remove.
Then I lifted the front right side of my car.
Remove the front wheel (not required but allows better access).

Here are the 2 oxygen sensors next to your catalytic converter (red squares).
The one on the right is bank 1 sensor 1 and the one on the left is bank 1 sensor 2.
old o2 sensors

Unplug the connector near your oil filter.
o2 sensor plug

Use the 22mm wrench to remove the first O2 sensor closest to your motor (counter-clockwise).

Unplug the connector for the second O2 sensor (close to the front right wheel).
o2 sensor plug

For the second one you'll need to remove the heat shield. That's why you need the 10mm socket. Personally I only removed the 2 bolts in the red squares to get access to the O2 sensor.
cat bolts

Here are the old O2 sensors.
old o2 sensors

Make sure there is some anti-seize on the threads of the new O2 sensors (usually supplied with the new O2 sensors). Then install the new O2 sensors. Make sure to tighten them correctly before plugging in the connectors. If you don't, the wires will get twisted.

There is a specific amount of torque you have to apply, 33ft lbs of torque (tighten them about as tight as a spark plug).

Finally unplug the radio fuse or unplug your battery for 30 seconds and start your engine.

I just drove 70km (43 miles) and it's smoother than it was, acceleration seemed better and there was less black smoke when in VTEC. I am unsure if the miles per gallon increased at this time.

Thank you!

We sell brand new Denso O2 sensors here

--- This how to courtesy of thefox ---








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